The Cubicle

Health Wellness + Urbanization

Promote ‘green’ and economical lifestyle utilizing eco-friendly materials and raising a garden on the terrace to accommodate an efficient lifestyle
Limiting technology use and persuasion to be active


Stacking will provide multiple storage by utilizing the walls and the ground
Modular characteristic to be interchangeable, interactive, and benefiting various functions

Modular Cubes will provide storage as well as stack up to create stairs or separate for coffee tables and chairs.
It is varied in sizes to accommodate different functions and activities
These modular devices will act as an efficient factor for daily use for people to perform more actively around the house
Eco-friendly materials are utilized
These cubes will be assembled very easily with a puzzle-like tactic to be constructed or deconstructed in a snap

Detail Rendering

Floor Plan

Floor Plan Final Gray

Floor Plan through transformation

Floor Plan Transformation Gray

North Section

North Elevation Gray

South Section

South Elevation Gray

West Section

West Elevation Gray

East Section

East Elevation Gray