Author Archives: Ashley Li

I chose to put my installation into the Pier 64 in Hudson River Park in New York City. The place I chose has the strongest wind on the whole site which we could see in the wind rose diagram. Most

I chose to put my installation into the Pier 64 in Hudson River Park in New York City. The place I chose has the strongest wind on the whole site which we could see in the wind rose diagram. Most

“Poké ” is a shared micro-apartment which utilizes traditional Japanese techniques to maximize hidden storage space and minimize clutter. The effect is a small space easily shareable by roommates. I used the stair which has the storages under and the

“Poké ” is a shared micro-apartment which utilizes traditional Japanese techniques to maximize hidden storage space and minimize clutter. The effect is a small space easily shareable by roommates. I used the stair which has the storages under and the

The Puzzle Chair is a compact, flat-pack cardboard dining chair, which uses slotted, dryfit components for quick and easy user assembly. The chair has seven goals: shippable, ergonomic, sustainable, compact, affordable, easy to assemble, and fit for small spaces. My

The Puzzle Chair is a compact, flat-pack cardboard dining chair, which uses slotted, dryfit components for quick and easy user assembly. The chair has seven goals: shippable, ergonomic, sustainable, compact, affordable, easy to assemble, and fit for small spaces. My