
Chair in Progress
This photo represent my process during the manufacturing of the O’VO chair.

The Loom Chair
When creating my cardboard chair I wanted to challenge the way cardboard was used. I cut the cardboard into many strips and then wove it back together, creating a ridged fabric like material that I could form into a curve,

The Loom Chair
When creating my cardboard chair I wanted to challenge the way cardboard was used. I cut the cardboard into many strips and then wove it back together, creating a ridged fabric like material that I could form into a curve,

Tianqi Chang – Fossil Cardboard Chair
‘ no glue no screw ’ technique by Joost van Bleiswijke Considered of the clients ( 18-24 years old ), most of them do not have fixed residence. . In other words, they have to move constantly. Some small components

Tianqi Chang – Fossil Cardboard Chair
‘ no glue no screw ’ technique by Joost van Bleiswijke Considered of the clients ( 18-24 years old ), most of them do not have fixed residence. . In other words, they have to move constantly. Some small components

Tri-Void Chair_ Michael Houck
The Tri-Void Chair, is a working and dining chair using folded cardboard panels to create triangular voids that allow compact ability. By scoring and folding the cardboard, it’s easily compact and lightweight which suits small spaces. The chair is also

Tri-Void Chair_ Michael Houck
The Tri-Void Chair, is a working and dining chair using folded cardboard panels to create triangular voids that allow compact ability. By scoring and folding the cardboard, it’s easily compact and lightweight which suits small spaces. The chair is also

Rising Relief, James Seo
The Rising Relief is a minimal lounge chair that allows one to sit in a relaxing posture for small spaces. It is capable of convenient storage due to its folding ability.

Rising Relief, James Seo
The Rising Relief is a minimal lounge chair that allows one to sit in a relaxing posture for small spaces. It is capable of convenient storage due to its folding ability.

The Light Deception Chair_ Dina Said
The Light Deception Chair embraces the rigidness of cardboard using a simple score and fold technique, constructing a faceted lounge chair using triangular modules to create a structure that falls lightly on the ground.

The Light Deception Chair_ Dina Said
The Light Deception Chair embraces the rigidness of cardboard using a simple score and fold technique, constructing a faceted lounge chair using triangular modules to create a structure that falls lightly on the ground.

Kite chair
A foldable, lightweight cardboard chair you can carry it with you everywhere that is for outdoor activities for example picnic.About this chair The function of this chair and the shape reminds me of a kite, which is a object for

Kite chair
A foldable, lightweight cardboard chair you can carry it with you everywhere that is for outdoor activities for example picnic.About this chair The function of this chair and the shape reminds me of a kite, which is a object for

Loom Chair Progress / Jackson
These photos represent my progress on the cardboard chair, I used a weaving technique to manipulate the form.

Loom Chair Progress / Jackson
These photos represent my progress on the cardboard chair, I used a weaving technique to manipulate the form.

Experimentation with Material Manipulations in Cardboard
Each student provided 10 material manipulations to study the material properties of cardboard. Above is our ‘catalog of manipulations’ organized by type.

Experimentation with Material Manipulations in Cardboard
Each student provided 10 material manipulations to study the material properties of cardboard. Above is our ‘catalog of manipulations’ organized by type.