TRAVERSE Light Installation
TRAVERSE Traverse is a geodesic dome light installation with triangular panels that act as filters to direct sunlight into the aperture throughout the day to create different patterns on the surface. People can experience the light passing through the aperture while relaxing in the space.
Map at the Hudson river, where the installation will be located. Since the exhibition for the installation starts from March to September, we will be focusing only on those period of time for the sun path. In late March and late September, the sun’s path follows the celestial equator. It then rises directly east and sets directly west. After the March equinox, the sun’s path gradually drifts northward. By the June solstice, the sun rises considerably north of due east and sets considerably north of due west. After the June solstice, the sun’s path gradually drifts southward. In June, considerably more than half of the circle is above the horizon, you have more hours of daylight in summer than in winter. Model Information. Detail diagram of how Traverse is made. The three programs show the patterns changing throughout the day. Floor plan Section plan Interior Render Exterior Render Models with interior and exterior details.