Project Overview A phenomenological device was created as one of eight installations for a hypothetical science museum located in New York’s Chelsea piers. The installations would be available on site from April to June. Afterglow is a shell with distinct perforations which utilizes sunlight in order to illuminate it’s interior space. The filtered light is dependent on the angle of sunlight during a specific hour of day.
The phenomena studied was visible light; electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye. The installation is intended to evoke a sense of wonderment and encourage appreciation for visible light. Site The installation had to be oriented in a manner that allowed for optimal sunlight within the interior of the shell. After studying site specific sun patterns (April through June), the area towards the center of Pier 63’s greenery was chosen.
Process Various decisions regarding the form of the installation were then made after a period of trial and error. A few process and failure studies
Final Form The final form was a result of continuous experimentation and failure. The perforations were carefully placed to achieve a specific effect. Plan and elevations